Over the years there has been a consistent fall in the standard of life, which is marked by enormous increase in demonstrations, criminal activities and moral questionable issues that shows little regard in existence of humanity, historically these are the symptoms of a collapsing society.
Kaka as a Culture, stands on strong pillars from whence we believe a chain is whole; links in themselves are not a chain. This is to suggest, a man-a human being-a being is a product of his environment regardless of the shape or form of that environment. While this environment is shape-able and formable we do also believe and hold highly that “Good Company corrupts bad behaviour”
Kaka culture is attributed by strong historical pillar of Nobility which resides in compassion, truth, honest, justice, fairness, responsibility, accountability, and right words which Kaka operates in, and hope to share these cultural values with the people and be to them a form of environment and company in their individual lives that will then corrupt the negative
individual build-up. We believe these attributes if are indoctrinated carefully and intentionally then as the natural effect smoothen the birth of tangible changes that will even reflect on the GDP